Handprints Early Learning Centres are family owned and comprise of four child care centres. Our point of difference is simple. We are creating a community hub for families, educators and children where everyone is encouraged to wonder. We want to create early learning for all that is centred around the question “I wonder”.
“For children, wonder comes easily. They wonder and question the world constantly. “I wonder if this rock is heavy, I wonder what makes the wind, I wonder where rainbows end, I wonder…” And in searching for answers they are engaged in deep and meaningful learning where they are encouraged to be inquisitive, to share the joys of the natural world, to create new understandings and extensions of learning.”
Our Story
Handprints ELC started in 2014 with our St Ives service. Within six months of operating our innovative approaches and outstanding education programs had us recognised with the top rating of exceeding the national quality standard. Most recently, in January 2020, our St Ives service once again received the top rating of exceeding by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority in all seven standards!
When 1 Ridgeland Ave, Killara (owned by the Department of Education) went to tender, we put through an application seeing the potential to create a wonderful learning place for the families and children of Killara. In January 2016 we found out we were successful and began the process of taking over the operations of our Killara centre. Since we opened in February 2016, Killara has had a special community feel, that is enhanced by being situated alongside Killara Public School. The building has character and a real sense of heart, which is further emulated by the caring educators and long-standing director.
Handprints Wentworth Point operated for 5 years at this location from March 2018 to April 2023. Beautiful memories were built and it was such a wonderful part of our story.
The journey continues with our final centre, Handprints Turramurra, which opened in October 2019. Handprints Turramurra is a perfect community hub with easy access to local transport, markets, community gardens and parklands. Handprints Turramurra is full of interesting and innovative learning spaces that inspire children and adults alike to play! This centre focuses on the concept of wonder, as children are encouraged to ‘wonder’ about the world around them. Educators then enhance children’s concept of learning as they learn how to use research, investigation and collaboration as a method of finding answers to the questions they wonder.
Our Philosophy
A Reggio Emilia inspired School offers an open-minded, exploratory method of early-childhood learning that encourages diversity, flexibility and relationship-building.
Culture of Kindness
Handprints culture of kindness has been established as a core pillar of our curriculum, providing every child with the opportunity to make a positive difference in their community